It seems that giving is one lesson that we are constantly trying to teach our children. Though we try to teach this lesson through example, we often try to explain the importance of giving. One day, my husband, Rob, reasoned with the children, "What puts you in a better place to receive, having an open hand or a tight-fisted hand?" We then went on to share that when our hands are open, ready to give, we are also in a place to receive. Sometimes what we receive is more material abundance, and sometimes what we receive is eternal, either way, we ultimately receive more. Whenever we engage in these discussions with our children, we are always moved to reflect on how we live. Do we live with open hands or our hands clenched tightly to our possessions, money and time?
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UpdateIt's hard to believe, but I have been in business for almost 7 years! As my business has grown, I have decided to take a break from blog posts and focus my attention on providing specialty services, some of which include Purpose Clarity Coaching, Life Map Coaching, and Enneagram Spectrum of Personality Types Coaching. I have received certifications in each of these areas (accredited certifications for CEU through the Center for Credentialing and Education). While I miss interfacing with you through this blog, I am excited to offer additional services to my clients. Please enjoy my blog archives. Archives
December 2020
CategoriesAuthorOne committed to processing truth, finding light in the darkness, savoring the simple, and living fully.