This picture hangs in my office as a constant reminder to “never give up” (words at the bottom of frame). Over 21 years ago, when I got married, I asked my mother-in-law to teach me to cross-stitch. Well, I started, but never finished—I didn’t realize how one could work hours upon hours on just a small section and see very little progress. I was in my 20’s and definitely wanted a hobby that produced more immediate satisfaction. Fast forward almost 15 years and the cross-stitch remained covered in plastic in my closet. Then, with an unexpected weekend without children, I worked on this project and finally finished! I decided to frame it as a reminder of perseverance. Life can be hard. We make mistakes. Other times we are impacted by the mistakes of others. There are so many circumstances beyond our control, like illnesses and loss. We carry a full plate of responsibility. We get tired of doing the right thing. We may often feel like we are running a race but no one seems to be in the bleachers cheering us on. We may feel like our blood, sweat and tears go unnoticed. Well, my friend, you are not alone. One of my mantras in life is “never give up.” Although our journey can be riddled with pain, we can always choose joy, purpose and meaning. We can choose to rise above, to think beyond the present. . . to never give up!
UpdateIt's hard to believe, but I have been in business for almost 7 years! As my business has grown, I have decided to take a break from blog posts and focus my attention on providing specialty services, some of which include Purpose Clarity Coaching, Life Map Coaching, and Enneagram Spectrum of Personality Types Coaching. I have received certifications in each of these areas (accredited certifications for CEU through the Center for Credentialing and Education). While I miss interfacing with you through this blog, I am excited to offer additional services to my clients. Please enjoy my blog archives. Archives
December 2020
CategoriesAuthorOne committed to processing truth, finding light in the darkness, savoring the simple, and living fully.