Lilly’s first high school play! Lilly tried out for a supporting character and received the role of . . . A tree! Well, not a real tree, but a metaphoric tree. . . you know, the part in the play that “feels” insignificant. She was part of the ensemble and had the role of a maid, sea otter, sea creature, and the ocean. Although she knew the importance of the ensemble, Lilly was disappointed. The interesting thing is I couldn’t have been more proud. Over the last 2 1/2 months, Lilly had 3-4 practices per week for roles that “felt” invisible; but, she dug deep, made the best of it, and nailed her characters! She made sweet friendships, enjoyed using her dance and choreography skills, and had fun being a part of a cast and theatrical production. Most of all, she learned that sometimes the byproduct of hard work is in the person you are becoming, and not the work itself. As I sat in the audience for 3 of 4 performances (I can hear the Little Mermaid soundtrack even in my sleep!), I relished the experience. You would have thought my soul misunderstood Lilly’s characters for a leading role; but no, I was proud that Lilly made the best of it, that she was willing to start from the bottom, and that she was committed despite her disappointment. It takes courage to be a tree!
UpdateIt's hard to believe, but I have been in business for almost 7 years! As my business has grown, I have decided to take a break from blog posts and focus my attention on providing specialty services, some of which include Purpose Clarity Coaching, Life Map Coaching, and Enneagram Spectrum of Personality Types Coaching. I have received certifications in each of these areas (accredited certifications for CEU through the Center for Credentialing and Education). While I miss interfacing with you through this blog, I am excited to offer additional services to my clients. Please enjoy my blog archives. Archives
December 2020
CategoriesAuthorOne committed to processing truth, finding light in the darkness, savoring the simple, and living fully.